
Stock Options & Grants: The Executive"s Guide to Equity Compensation (Opcje na akcje i nagrody bazujące na akcjach: dyrektorski przewodnik po wynagradzaniu udziałami)

Stock Options & Grants: The Executive"s Guide to Equity Compensation (Opcje na akcje i nagrody bazujące na akcjach: dyrektorski przewodnik po wynagradzaniu udziałami)

Autor: Peter R. Wheeler

ISBN: 0971489815

Wydawca: Advisorpress, 216 str.

Stock Options + Grants: The Executive"s Guide to Equity Compensation provides a comprehensive, easy reading treatment to the complex area of stock options and grants for the busy executive. From the boardroom to the mailroom, individuals with stock options or grants will benefit from the quick reading question and answer format of this book. If you have a question about your stock options or grants, you are likely to find it answered in Stock Options + Grants: The Executive"s Guide to Equity Compensation.
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