
Sales Compensation: A Collection of Articles from WorldatWork (Wynagradzanie handlowców: wybór artykułów)

Sales Compensation: A Collection of Articles from WorldatWork (Wynagradzanie handlowców: wybór artykułów)

ISBN: 9781579632083

Wydawca: WorldatWork 2009, str. 206

The sales compensation plan is one of the more powerful tools that top executives use to direct, motivate and reward the salesforce for its contribution to business success. Knowing when and how to align sales teams and compensation programs are key issues — not only for sales, but for the overall company. And, because it is simply not practical or appropriate to use a single (or even a few) sales incentive plans across multiple divisions, geographies and sales roles, taking a global focus is an imperative for today’s sales compensation professionals.

In this compilation of articles from WorldatWork, thought leaders from the field of sales compensation address the ins and outs of good program design that applies across organizations and geographies. Readers walk away with a good understanding about plan strategy, design, implementation, communication and post-implementation analysis. In addition, readers will find the full reports of two WorldatWork surveys: "Sales Compensation Practices" and "Key Sales Incentive Plan Practices."
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