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Retirement Benefits: A Collection of Articles from WorldatWork (Benefity emerytalne: wybór artykułów)

Retirement Benefits: A Collection of Articles from WorldatWork (Benefity emerytalne: wybór artykułów)

ISBN: 9781579632052

Wydawca: WorldatWork 20091 str. 178

Recent tumultuous events in the U.S. Economy have wreaked havoc on capital markets and investment values, leaving many financial futures vulnerable. Retirement Benefits is a book assembled by WorldatWork to help rewards professionals get a big-picture view of retirement. This compilation of over 15 articles from top authors in the field of benefits aids readers in gaining a better understanding of today’s complex retirement-related issues, and provides ideas on how to help employees get the most out of company-sponsored plans.

This book is divided into three sections. The first section addresses pension plans: the second section discusses 401(k) plans; and the third section focuses on retirement planning, including an interview with Social Security Administration Commissioner Michael Astrue. In addition, readers will find the full reports from two WorldatWork surveys.
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