
Paying for contribution: read performance-related pay strategies (Wynagrodzenie za wkład, czytaj: płaca powiązana z wynikami)

Paying for contribution: read performance-related pay strategies (Wynagrodzenie za wkład, czytaj: płaca powiązana z wynikami)

Autor: Michael Armstrong, Duncan Brown

ISBN: 9780749428990

Wydawca: Kogan Page 2000, str. 356

This book examines and provides solutions to some of the perennial problems of performance-related pay. Brown and Armstrong review the evidence for the spread, relevance and effectiveness of PeRP on both sides of the Atlantic. They demonstrate conclusively that, while performance pay is not in retreat and is, indeed, continuing to expand, difficulties have resulted in the past from the rigid uniform, top-down approach often adopted in its implementation. The authors demonstrate that organizations today are taking a much more strategic and holistic approach to the issue, an approach which the authors term paying for contribution.
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