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Minimum Wages in Central and Eastern Europe: From Protection to Destitution (Płace minimalne w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej: od ochrony do ubóstwa)

Minimum Wages in Central and Eastern Europe: From Protection to Destitution (Płace minimalne w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej: od ochrony do ubóstwa)

Autor: Guy Standing, Daniel Vaughan-Whitehead

ISBN: 9781858660424

Wydawca: Oxford University Press 1995, str. 192

Since the late 1980s, incomes have fallen sharply in most countries of Central and Eastern Europe, while unemployment and poverty rates have risen dramatically. The level of the minimum wage, intended to protect the low-paid and those dependent on state benefits, has been allowed to drop well below the "poverty level". This book considers this development and recommends reforms.
Krakowskie Forum Wynagrodzeń