
Executive Compensation - An Introduction to Practice & Theory (Wynagradzanie kadry zarządzającej - wprowadzenie do teorii i praktyki)

Executive Compensation - An Introduction to Practice & Theory (Wynagradzanie kadry zarządzającej - wprowadzenie do teorii i praktyki)

Autor: Steve Balsam

ISBN: 9781579631703

Wydawca: WorldatWork 2007, 517

Executive Compensation bridges the gap between executive compensation theory and practice. This invaluable resource incorporates academic research into the effects and consequences of executive compensation programs. This book will assist you in ensuring your organization has the various components of a compensation package that will achieve desired results, performance and retention. Newcomers to the profession will benefit from the in-depth discussion of compensation practices in corporate America, while experienced practitioners will benefit from the concise summary of the vast academic literature.
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