
Effective Executive Compensation (Efektywne wynagradzenie kadry zarządzającej)

Effective Executive Compensation (Efektywne wynagradzenie kadry zarządzającej)

Autor: M. Graham

ISBN: 9780814410127

Wydawca: Amacom 2008, str. 544

When it comes to creating an executive compensation program, it can be hard to provide the company"s leaders with the incentive they need to continue doing their best, without becoming too extravagant. This book gives readers the techniques and understanding they need to design a rewards strategy that will motivate performers while benefiting the entire organisation. Taking a careful look at the complicated state of executive rewards, this no-nonsense, practical guide provides readers with a complete methodology for motivating management to accomplish critical business goals. Instead of a "one-size-fits-all" approach, the book uses case studies and examples to illustrate what factors should be considered - including corporate environment, key stakeholders, people and business strategy, and organizational capabilities - when designing a program that will benefit both their company, and the people who fuel its success.
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